
Friday, April 14, 2017

ARC Review: Ripple Effect: Episode 4 by Keri Lake

Bravo, bravo, bravo!!! This series had absolutely everything and I loved it. As you may recall from my previous reviews, I was not a huge fan of episode 1 in this series because I just wasn't sure where things were going. But from episode 2 going forward, this series was just a stunning victory of writing, storytelling, character building, romance, erotic content...just everything.

Episode 4 starts just where episode 3 ended. Dylan sees Rip with the person she fears the most and she flees in a blind panic. I won't give away the details of what happens after that but the book is pretty much non-stop action. The intensity of Dylan and Rip's feelings for one another is so real in this book you can feel it. If you've been reading this series you know that it's not a sugary sweet romance, the characters are dark and the romance is raw. You know how people say they love you to death? Well, in this book, the characters actually may love each other to death. They just love so hard it's almost violent which definitely comes out in the sex scenes.

In this episode you will get answers to questions about where Dylan came from and how she wound up with the butterfly tattoo. You will also get answers about Rip's past. I do have to lodge one minor criticism here though. I didn't completely understand Rip's past or his present for that matter. I'm still not completely sure who Rip worked for or whether he still worked for them when the book ended. I do know that the agency made Rip choose between keeping Dylan and keeping Dylan safe. Rip chose keeping Dylan safe. What that means is complicated but in the telling of that part of the story you get to see just how much Dylan and Rip have become a part of one another.

The fascinating thing about this book is how you find out how many similarties these two characters have. It seems like Dylan has been the victim of so many things and like Rip has been a victimizer most of his life. Neither of those things is completely true. Instead, what you learn is that both Dylan and Rip are survivors of the fiercest variety. You don't just root for characters like these, you say little prayers that everything works out for them and hope they don't get too damaged in the process.

There is some brutal violence in this book that will have you trying to look in the other direction. Nothing is resolved without a lot of pain but in the end, it's so worth it. I really enjoyed this series and if the author decided to give us a Episode 5 or an extended epilogue, I would love to see more of Dylan and Rip.

**ARC provided by Ardent PRose**

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